





Direct driver type computer decorative machine

Machine description

The servo control and steel improvement of the cloth feeding device, so you can sew high-precision patterns, that is, when adjusting sewing or sewing thick materials, there will be no bad stitch and deviation problems often occur in the computer patternsewing machine, exquisite satin, reliable patternsewing maximum sewing speed 2,700rpm (using 3.5mm needle distance) Powerful needle penetration force low power consumption, Economical and practical Position fabric easily with a large press foot that drops in two steps

Application field

Automated sewing applications in footwear, industrial textiles and leather goods

Performance characteristics

-Maximum sewing area size 300 x 200mm

-Maximum suture size Nm 15/3

- Memory capacity for 99 seam programs

Service Hotline

+(86) 21 6840 7700

Mauser Spezial